16:Learning Digitally

16:Learning Digitally

To begin to understand the term Learning Digitally I began by reading the article at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/disruption-digital-learning-ten-things-we-have-learned-josh-bersin/

What is Digital Learning?
Digital learning is bringing learning to individuals at a location that best suits them. It is a way of learning not a type of learning. 

What methods of digital learning are there ? 
Some methods of digital learning that I have used have been video tutorials, open educational resources, e- learning modules and podcasts  

The focus of digital learning is myself ,the learner and what I learn and not what technology I use to access my learning.

I then accessed the article https://www.macmillanihe.com/resources/sample-chapters/9780230573123_sample.pdf and evaluated my skills as a Digital Learner.

As asked I then completed Clarkes questioner and rated myself as follows:
I was not surprised that I scored 23/30 as I know I have came a long way from beginning these badges. I am not a very confident person so I feel that I would always score myself average in this area no matter what activity I am doing. I am very motivated in getting things done and completing tasks so I scored myself the highest here. I have a positive attitude in most things until things start going wrong then I can crumble a bit. I  have good communication skills although at times I get nervous and can stutter a bit and not express myself as well as I would like. This is why I enjoy watching webinars already recorded and not taking part in live ones. I do prefer to work on my own but I can be a good collaborator when required. I now base myself as a average user of ICT whereas at the beginning I would have said I was very low.

As I continue to be a Digital learner I feel that I will be more competent in the use of ICT which in turn I would hope would develop my self confidence.
The thing  I have learned is that I have the skills and ability to use many sources of digital learning.

The positive aspects of Digital learning for me have been podcasts and webinars as I didn't know how to access these and now I do I use them in every area that I am developing in such as my PPDS and in children's learning experiences.

Social media for me has been my negative experience LinkedIn especially .I felt LinkedIn offered me nothing as a learner and if I went on to social media to look for anything say resources I would end up straying to something I felt was more interesting and not work related. So I wasn't learning anything. So I now go onto specific sites to look for resources or ideas etc to keep me on task. I focused my learning .

My organisation supports my Digital learning through such things as webinars and online training. Some examples of online training I have done has been Safe medicine modules, Food Hygiene training and also Epilepy training units. The centre is trying to  improve access to digital technology for all learners by providing the use of iPads to learners and recommending good reliable sources of educational sites.

I do not feel that there are any differences between Clarke and  a successful learner with a more traditional approach. Learners have different ways of learning some enjoy reading others watching webinars but for the learner the subject is explained in ways that they are motivated with ,understand and can then put in place to complete the task. The learner needs to want to learn as no amount of persuasion is going to make them enjoy a task that they don't want to do .


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